How to Build High-Functioning Teams Through Leadership: 4 Ways
Building high-functioning call center teams is critical to call center performance. So, why do so many leaders fail to understand the basic tenants of team-building? In this post, we’ll examine how to unite employees through leadership and what it means to the company bottom
Conflict is unavoidable in any business. This is because businesses are just a group of people with unique values, goals and ways of communicating. Good leaders know that differences in these areas can lead to division. So, they try to create a culture that reinforces common ground instead of friction. If they don’t, they risk losing employees, market share and, eventually, their jobs. Here’s how to avoid that.
Shared Values: Show people what you care about
Having shared values throughout a company is crucial for business success and growth. Aside from uniting employees, living out company values is a reflection to clients and potential customers as it showcases the identity and perception of your business. “Whether it’s a merger of firms with different cultures or resolving conflicts – establishing a shared set of values is essential for bringing together diverse groups,” says Forbes.
So how can you, as a leader, ensure employees are on the same page when it comes to those values? It starts with you. Employees will admire a leader who is respected and true to his/her word and, in return, strive to portray the same values that you do. A leader that communicates the company’s mission, vision and purpose will gain the support of employees. This guarantees company values will be part of everyday work life.
Values should be determined both internally and externally. For example, a good leader will ensure that cultural values are implemented internally, which will then translate into customer satisfaction and business success. Internal values can be anything from personal accountability to teamwork and respect for coworkers. With those in place, employees will be more likely to integrate together and achieve success.
Common Goals: Show people what you want to achieve
Having shared goals throughout a company works closely with shared values – but they’re entirely separate items. While values are the basis on which daily operations are run, goals are what helps get there. Goals are part of everyday life and every business. There can be small, weekly goals, quarterly goals and even annual goals. As a leader, collaborating with team members and setting these goals is necessary to ensure employees are united. When you determine goals with team members rather than for team members, it allows employees to feel a sense of worthiness resulting in a drive for accomplishment.
Take a common goal in the call center, for example, such as increasing customer satisfaction. A good leader will encourage their employees to work together and enhance customer satisfaction while helping them along the way. He or she will stand by the employees’ side, reassure them throughout the process and then celebrate with them once they achieve the goal.
Shared goals are something that unites employees and leadership together. Recognizing that accomplished goals are a team effort reminds employees that they’re needed and appreciated by the staff.
Clear Communication: Show people that you understand them
Communication. It’s a term that’s used in every industry and every company – because it’s so important. “Effective communication and effective leadership are closely intertwined. Leaders need to be skilled communicators in countless relationships at the organizational level, in communities and groups, and sometimes on a global scale.” Without communication on all levels, employees are left to find their answers to unanswered questions. Often, this results in different outcomes, which can lead to differing goals and values.
A leader that knows how to communicate will earn the respect of employees. A leader may think they’re communicating to employees when, in reality, the employees see it in a different light. A common problem amongst leaders is that they talk at employees rather than to employees. Barking orders or piling on tasks isn’t communicating because it’s one-sided.
A big misconception about communication is that the leader is the one doing the talking. Communication is a two-sided process. If the leader isn’t taking the time to listen as well, what’s the point? A leader who listens to their employees shows them that they care and value their opinion, leaving employees feeling heard and appreciated.
Healthy Morale: Show people you value their work
While team morale may seem like a minor internal detail, it can significantly affect the bigger picture. When team morale is low, so is the desire to achieve company goals and carry out values. By building team morale, leaders instill a sense of confidence and trust in their employees. Team members are more inclined to work together and achieve bottom-line objective instead of only accomplishing their tasks.
Boosting morale can be as simple as saying “good job” or thanking them for completing a job. You’d be surprised at how little it takes to make employees feel valued. From promoting a work-life balance to letting employees know that your door is always open, being a leader that is respected by employees and makes them feel appreciated will help your company grow in the long run.
Becoming a great leader doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a learning process – one filled with many mistakes and small failures. But being aware of employees’ needs and listening to them will go a long way. If you do that, pretty soon you’ll learn how to make the right decision, most of the time.
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